You’ll Never Forget A Visit To This Alluring Castle In Arizona
By Monica Spencer|Published March 02, 2017
Monica Spencer
Monica is a Diné (Navajo) freelance writer and photographer based in the Southwest. Born in Gallup and raised in Phoenix, she is Tódich'ii'nii (Bitter Water People) and Tsi'naajinii (Black Streak Wood People). Monica is a staff writer for Only In Your State, photo editor for The Mesa Legend, and previously a staff writer for The Navajo Post. You can reach her at
When it comes to landmarks, Arizona is best known for features like canyons, buttes, mountains, and other natural locations. However, our state is also home to quite a few historic buildings that stand out as well! Here’s a look at one incredible building that definitely deserves its place among Arizona’s top historic buildings.
Tovrea Castle was built between 1929 and 1931, originally as part of a resort by Alessio Carraro. The building and its land were sold shortly after construction finished to E.A. Tovrea, who owned a local meat business a short distance from the home.
This building is actually less of a castle and more of a mansion but the name has stuck. It provides a spectacular view of the city, with views all around of the surrounding mountains.
Constructed of wood and stucco, this building that looks a bit like a wedding cake stands out in the Phoenix due to its unique architecture and prominence along Loop 202.
Tovrea Castle at Carraro Heights is located at 5025 East Van Buren Street in Phoenix. You can find details about tours and hosting events on their website or Facebook page.