You’ll Never Forget A Trip To These 14 Waterfront Spots In Alaska
By Casea Peterson|Published January 08, 2016
Casea Peterson
Casea Peterson grew up archery hunting, fishing, and camping throughout the Pacific Northwest. Motivated by her love for the outdoors she moved to Alaska to attend school and to spend time exploring the last frontier. If she doesn’t have a pen in hand or her nose in a book, she can be found out on a lake or up in the woods around a fire with friends.
Admittedly, Alaska doesn’t really come to mind for most people when talking about unforgettable waterfront spots, but that shouldn’t be the case. Alaska has incredible waterfront locations all over the state, which isn’t surprising considering we have over 3,000,000 lakes (named and unnamed) and a coastline that’s longer than all the other states combined! Let’s take a look at some of these jaw-dropping waterfront spots from around the state…