Each November, a late run of salmon in Haines brings a “Gathering Of The Eagles.” An estimated 3000 American bald eagles meet in the area to feed on salmon. The Alaska Bald Eagle Festival celebrates everything about the birds and visitors come from all over the world to participate. Witness this incredible wildlife viewing opportunity with eagle enthusiasts at this fascinating festival.
This year, the 23rd Annual Alaska Bald Eagle Festival will be November 6-11, 2017 at the American Bald Eagle Foundation located on the corner of the Haines Highway and Second Avenue, Haines.
The American Bald Eagle Foundation holds the festival at the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve. The foundation maintains the Raptor Center and Natural History Museum in Haines.
Haines is a town of 2500 in the southeast that lies on both the ferry system and the road system, making it a hub for travelers. Festival attendees fill the town for one week each November.
The preserve is designed to protect the world's largest concentration of American Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and their habitat. Visitor's are welcome to observe the vast population of eagles and salmon from the viewing areas.
The preserve lies along the Chilkat River in the flats along the Haines Highway between miles 18 and 24. This spot is a confluence of the Tsirku, Kleheni, and Chilkat Rivers.
The salmon that have already spawned fill the waters in the fall and make fertile feeding grounds for the eagles. This attracts an average of 3000 eagles annually.
The festival offers daily natural history presentations, raptor center tours and bald eagle programs. There are round-trip busses to the preserve daily.
A special Photography Workshop is currently offered with the festival. An accomplished wildlife photographer teaches participants the ins and outs of capturing shots of the wild birds.