Summer is winding down in the great land, and the folks at the Farmer’s Almanac are looking ahead to the upcoming months. Weather predictions were released for winter 2018-19, and Alaska appears to have an easy winter on the way. Get out there and enjoy the last days of greenery and sunshine, and prepare for outdoor fun all winter long in mild Alaskan temperatures.
If you are not someone who lives for the extreme cold, than you will love the mild weather predicted for Alaska the coming winter.
The temperatures are predicted to be above normal, but of course there will still be a few dips into the crazy colder temperatures in January and February.
The presence of El Nino dictates that the temperatures will be above average and precipitation will be slightly higher as well. However, the prediction states that precipitation levels will be normal throughout the state.
The prediction's say it may be up to 60% warmer than in most years. That would bring the temperature to shorts weather in Alaska if what the Old Farmer's Almanac reports pans out.