Running Reindeer Ranch in Fairbanks is one of the top attractions in the town for visitors. Reindeer are gentle, beautiful creatures and this ranch has a large population of them to visit. You can get up close and really experience connection with the reindeer at this unique place to visit in Alaska.
Reindeer are the domesticated form of caribou, the animals that roam wild across much of the northern countries of the world. The reindeer at the ranch are pets and the ranch provides access for visitors to meet the gentle animals.
Running Reindeer started because the family's daughter wanted a pony, but the mother was allergic to horses. This started a quest to find the perfect pet for the climate and family.
After several years, they acquired two reindeer, which have now grown to a herd of seven. After the daughter left home, the couple decided to open their ranch as an attraction and welcome the world to meet the sweet reindeer.
The daughter actually raised money for the first two reindeer by selling cookie dough to family friends. The cookies that started it all are served at the ranch, oatmeal chocolate-chip coconut.
After a brief safety overview on reindeer etiquette, the main event is a walk with the reindeer through the stunning birch forest near Fairbanks. The ranch and the reindeer are beautiful with a fresh coat of snow.
The reindeer are arctic animals and are perfectly comfortable in the cold climate. After the walk, relax with cookies and coffee while the hosts teach you a little more about the life cycle and habits of reindeer.
The reindeer have their calves in the Spring and currently, there is a baby reindeer for visitors to meet. The reindeer were almost all born on the ranch. Visit this beautiful place and learn about these cool creatures.