15 Lessons The Rest Of The Country Could Learn From Alaska
When it comes to the ultimate work/life balance, we’d argue that Alaskans are the walking, talking definition of that concept. Up here, we appreciate the value of living every day to the fullest. We are unconditionally grateful for the bounty of natural resources that we have access to and we don’t take our outdoor playground for granted. Check out these 15 lessons that those lower 48’ers could learn from the great people in the 49th state of Alaska.

In a world where "busy" is constantly glorified, don't fall for the forced stimulation. A simple life filled with wondrous moments is the happiest life you will ever live.

Our kind of church looks a little something like this. An epic and ever-powerful wonderland with nothing but possibilities.

Tomorrow is never promised and today is truly a gift. That's why they call it the present. Put that on your bathroom mirror and read it out loud every single day. You deserve to be happy. No matter what.

With so much evil in the world, don't forget that there is even more good. It just doesn't get talked about as much. Never loose hope and never close your heart. Love will always be more powerful than hate.

Ignore the hype. It is definitely not all that it's cracked up to be. People love you for who you are, not what you wear or the things you have. Never forget that.

There is no greater or more valuable form of knowledge then what they pass on. When they talk, listen. Then absorb. Take it seriously. Ponder it with thought. The older we get the more limited our time becomes. Never take those small moments for granted.

Life is about the pursuit of happiness. Personal happiness and well being. Don't live for Facebook likes and approval from others. Be present and whatever you do, do it with all of your heart.

It doesn't get more organic then sourcing wild Alaska game, responsibly. Our own bodies as well as those of our children, families and friends deserve only the most nutritious and clean contents available. What you find in the wild, you will not come close to in a grocery store.

When life throws you lemons (or a whole bucket of lemonade x10), take time to run away and get lost in the woods. Seek the undying beauty of Alaska to give you strength when you need it most. You will be amazed by the cleansing properties that nature can provide for your soul.

SUCH an honor indeed. Another key reason why it is so important to take care of our planet. We rely on these natural resources to survive. They are not ever to be taken for granted.

That saying, "it's not where you are, it's who your with." We'd say that truer words have never been spoken. Except in Alaska we are also spoiled with a phenomenal place to live. Even when busyness happens, pick up your phone. Make time for the people you care about. In the end, nothing else matters. Love is everything.

The only regret that you will have is saying "I should have." Don't hold back. Dive in head first.

What is the point of living if you're not having fun? That's right, there is no point. Laughter is the best medicine out there.

Don’t glorify the art of being busy. Take time to relax and decompress. Your future self will thank you for it.

In Alaska (with so many awesome freaking things to do), you'd be crazy not to get busy living. Boredom is a choice. Choose otherwise!
Can you think of any other life lessons that the rest of the world could learn from the last frontier folks?
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