In the harsh conditions of the Bering Sea lies an abandoned island with dwellings clinging to the cliffs. The Inupiaq people who lived here in the past hunted and thrived while living a nomadic subsistence lifestyle. King Island was the winter home for around 200 people from long ago until the 1940’s, but no one has lived in the village since the 1959 when the school was closed. The remaining structures are simple homes built into the cliffs, now crumbling from the harsh winter conditions. When you are on the Seward Peninsula, head 90 miles north of Nome to see King Island from the mainland. These cliff dwellings are a fascinating adaptation to the conditions in the Bering Sea.
Viewing King Island:
With the treacherous Bering Sea and the dilapidated state of the King Island buildings, viewing King Island from the Seward Peninsula is a better choice than trying to land on the island. From the Bob Blodgett Highway north of Nome, you can catch a great view of King Island for several miles of highway on a clear day. The highway is only open in the summer months.