25 Things You Have To Do Before You’re An Official Alaskan
By Courtney|Published September 11, 2016
Living and loving life in Alaska, Courtney enjoys living a happy life based on simple principles; work hard, be kind, stay humble. She is an avid dog lover with hobbies that include running, fly fishing, hiking & snowboarding.
Those born in Alaska might argue that you’ll never become an official Alaskan if you weren’t born here originally. However, we beg to differ. So many people come to Alaska and fall so completely in love that they end up never leaving. To us, the ones that are passionate about the last frontier and all that it has to offer – those are the real Alaskans. But first, these 25 things are crucial to your induction. Good luck!
It's a very humbling experience to see such strong communities that truly know the meaning of survival, living off the land, cherishing traditions and putting family above all.
23. Get comfortable with seeing your friends and family every other two weeks, because you’re bound to know a few slopers.