16 Things You’ll Remember If You Grew Up In The 80s In Alaska
By Courtney|Published October 30, 2016
Living and loving life in Alaska, Courtney enjoys living a happy life based on simple principles; work hard, be kind, stay humble. She is an avid dog lover with hobbies that include running, fly fishing, hiking & snowboarding.
The 1980s were filled with milestones and tragedies in the last frontier. From the PFD hype, to the Alaska time zone going into effect and the drinking age moving from 18 to 21 years of age. The oil boom went through the roof and tumbled through the floor right in front of our eyes, seemingly overnight. This decade will forever go down as one of the most memorable in Alaska’s history.
1. The spooky ghost stories at this historic downtown Anchorage hotel were just starting to make the circulations.
6. And then in the mid 1980s when oil dropped and a depression began. Anchorage lost 30,000 people in population and abandoned buildings could be found everywhere.
7. Those fancy tour buses that we’re accustomed to seeing so frequently in the summer time certainly didn’t have all the bells and whistles that they do today.
12. When 1982/1983 rolled around and ‘Alaska Standard Time’ became the new time zone (except the western Aleutians), one hour west of Pacific Standard Time.
16. When the Alaska Legislature increased the Permanent Fund share of oil revenues from 25 to 50 percent and PFD became the hottest topic in the last frontier.