Meet 9 Ghosts From Alaska And Hear Their Bone-Chilling Stories
These eerie ghosts and widely talked about hauntings from Alaska’s past are sure to make the chills run deep down your spine… From big city mystery, haunted mining camps from the past, deaths deep in the woods and friendly ghosts occupying hotel rooms. If paranormal activity, abandoned buildings and haunting ghost stories are your cup of tea, hold on tight because you’re in for a wild ride.

Ghosts from the old territorial days are all around the last frontier. But this abandoned Kennicott Copper Mine in McCarthy is said to be so haunted that they even offer Ghost Town Walking Tours to visitors from all over the world. The greatest concentration of paranormal activity in Alaska has said to be reported in and around this area.

A story has been told about a father and daughter that were out in the woods chopping logs for the night’s fire in the Chugiak woods. Out of nowhere, the little girl picked up the axe and accidentally dropped it on herself, killing dying instantly. The father then picked her up and held her tightly before he too passed away in the freezing cold Alaska winter weather. To this day, it is said that you can see the spirit of the father holding the dead little girl close when you drive into the woods on a snowy winter day.

On the south bluff overlooking Westchester Lagoon, it is said that there is a lady in white who haunts the halls of the old auditorium at West Anchorage High School. Over the years she has been spotted multiple times in the dark audience seats and behind the scenes after the curtains are pulled closed.

Named after WW2 soldier General Simon Buckner, this creepy building in Whittier is just part of what makes this town eerie. Add in the 2.5-mile-long one-way-in, one-way-out tunnel to get to the tiny town. Since the building has become abandoned, people have reported hearing noises, random whistling and seeing ominous ghost like figures in and around the structure.

Seward locals will tell a story of a lady named Fannie who died in the hotel in the 1950s. Room 209 is where you need to stay to get your closest encounter with spirits from the past.

More than just a fishing town on Alaska's Playground, those who visit the Kenai Cemetery in the small town of Kenai have reported seeing an old man named Author who appears to be walking around tending to the graves in the middle of the night. The old unmarked graves at the back of the cemetery are said to be from those who came to the last frontier during the gold rush era. Many have reported seeing spirits in this isolated area alone.

Kelly's Sports Pub in Sitka (which is said to no longer be in business) is home to an area where a woman died a horrible death outside on the street. She was reported to have been drunk and was hit by a drunk driver. She got up out of nowhere and started running down the road after being hit, before eventually dying. To this day, people continue to report seeing a crazed woman's spirit running down the road at various hours of the night.

At the Ketchikan High School, it is said that a young student fell from the catwalk above the stage in the 1940's. He cried as he fell to his death. For those brave enough, it is said that if you go to the center of the stage and look up that you can see a shadowy figure that resembles the young boy. Others have reported hearing his screams randomly on any given day.

The Northwest Arctic Heritage Center is home one tragic chapter. There was a young boy that was playing basketball by the center when the ball rolled underneath the building and was swept away by water from the nearby snowfall runoff. The boy went to chase the ball under the building when he got trapped by the water and later drowned. Today it is said that if you bring a basketball into the center and call out "come get your ball" that you can then hear the basketball bouncing in the background.

It might be the nearby psychiatric ward and youth correctional facility that add to the ominous nature surrounding the rumors that the Wendy Williamson Auditorium is haunted. Visitors and employees alike have reported seeing props fly off of furniture out of nowhere, stage-lights shatter for absolutely no reason and odd unexplained shadows drifting across walls with no foreseeable explanation.
Does paranormal activity intrigue you? Check out these six haunted hotels in Alaska that will make your stay a nightmare.
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