These are the finest memes our fair state has to offer! There are certainly a lot of specific challenges that Alaskans face, but apparently making memes about them eases the pain. If you think these are funny, you certainly know something about the cold and crazy 49th state.
Thank you to our friends at Anchorage Memes. Like their page and the laughs will never end.
1. Spring in March? Hahaha. I mean, yes, it does start melting but it isn't fully spring in most of Alaska until well into April, or even late May in the far north.
5. Not to make light of the devastion earthquakes cause in other parts of the world, but Alaskans are pretty used to the ground shaking and nothing really going wrong.
6. The Permanent Fund Dividend checks drop into Alaskan bank accounts in early October, and are usually spent in hours since most have pre-planned how they will spend every cent.
13. As long as the moose don't eat your pizza, you can put whatever you want outside to stay cold. Super handy for quickly cooling fresh baked cookies!