6 Places In Alaska Where Animal Lovers Should Go
I must admit it’s not very hard to experience close encounters with wildlife in Alaska. You don’t really have to look very hard to find yourself face to face with a bald eagle, a big moose, or a grizzly bear. In fact, I’m willing to estimate that almost all of you readers that live in Alaska have had, at one point or another, a moose in your yard or cross in front of you in the street. But if you’re looking to get a little closer with nature and not only on accident, here are some great destinations around the state for animals lovers like you and me!

Let’s start with something easy, the zoo. If you want a more in depth tour of the animals at the zoo, opt for the guided tour that takes you behind the scenes to experience the living arrangements for the different animals living here.

A playful grizzly putting on a show for its visitors!

If you’re in Seward and want to get hands on with aquatic life then the SeaLife center is definitely for you.

If you’re into watching whales then Juneau is the place for you. Juneau boasts the largest concentrations of humpback whales in the world, but you’ll probably see orcas, bear and other saline too!

An adorable Horned Puffin.

The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center is a lot like those commercials you see on TV of people saving adorable little animals from tragic ends, like oil spills or car accidents… only this isn’t TV, it’s real life. The Conservation Center is filled with Alaskan wildlife in need of rehabilitation or a safe home.

In Sitka you can get your fill of Raptors during the month of May and witness one of Alaska’s most beautiful and impressive predators.

Okay, let’s face it, sure Alaska has a lot of bears, and moose, and eagles etc… but what we also have a lot of is their primary food source, fish! Not only will you learn about local fishing but you will also get a more hands on experience holding shellfish and starfish too!

Alaska Fisheries Science Center
What other spots would you add to this list?
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