Here Are 12 Struggles Everyone In Alabama Can Definitely Relate to
By Jennifer Young
Published February 25, 2016
Alabama is a wonderful place to live, but like every other state, there are a few downsides to living here. From unpredictable weather to constant judgment from out-of-staters, here are 12 struggles that most Alabamians can definitely relate to:
1. Having to deal with out-of-staters always telling you to repeat everything so they can hear your accent, even though you don't think you have one.
2. Whenever snow is predicted, you don't make it to the grocery store in time and the shelves look like these:
3. Having to use your heater and air conditioner in the same day because of Alabama's unpredictable weather.
4. Feeling nervous whenever you see a deer in the middle of the road.
5. Whenever you're pressed for time, a tractor somehow finds its way in front of you.
6. Trying to convince out-of-staters that we're not the uneducated rednecks we're perceived to be.
7. The feeling of uneasiness whenever a storm heads your way and tornadoes are predicted.
8. Having to explain to out-of-staters that we do wear shoes here in Alabama.
9. Whenever you're feeling lucky, you have to drive across the state line to purchase a lottery ticket. Depending on where you live, this drive could be many miles.
10. During the summer months, you have to deal with the worst humidity ever and...
11. ...swarms of mosquitoes that'll eat you alive.
12. Having to prove time and time again to out-of-staters that Alabama BBQ is the BEST.
Can you relate to any of these 12 struggles? What other struggles can most Alabamians relate to? Let us know in the comments below!
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