11 Strange Habits Every Alabamian Will Defend To The Death
There’s no denying that Alabamians are a special group of people. We do many things that outsiders consider strange. However, we think of these same things as being quite normal. After all, it’s all part of living in Alabama.
Listed below are 11 habits that may seem strange to outsiders, but to us, they’re very normal. Check them out!

Whether it's with a smile, handshake or wave, we show hospitality towards anyone we come into contact with.

From weddings and reunions, to parties and other celebrations, it's not uncommon to choose the event's date based on that year's college football schedule.

Whether we yell "Roll Tide" or "War Eagle," we root for our team all year long...no matter where we are.

When someone asks us what we want to drink, we usually tell them "coke." After all, "coke" pretty much covers all soft drinks.

From vegetables and fruits, to sweets and meats, we deep fry everything here in Alabama. After all, is there any other way to eat food here in the South?

Instead of telling someone a location is only five miles away, we usually tell them it's only 10 minutes away.

All towns have a famous landmark, and we typically tell visitors to turn past the landmark, turn to the right of the landmark, turn to the left of the landmark, etc. to reach their destination.

You know you're guilty of doing this at least once. We all are!

Who hasn't done this at least once? The weather here is so unpredictable that it's no wonder snow can cause statewide panic.

Sure, many of us slather our barbecue with traditional sauce, but nothing beats the famous white barbecue sauce that more and more people are starting to love.

No matter how hard we try to deny it, we're all guilty of this!
What are some other strange habits most Alabamians have?
For a list of things you’ll never catch an Alabamian doing, click here.
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