Many important events have taken place in Alabama over the years. While most of them are pretty well known, some aren’t. A historic event that some people aren’t familiar with took place in Haleyville and involved a phone call. For information about Haleyville and this history-making call, take a look below.
Haleyville is a small, North Alabama town where the first-ever 911 call was made.
AT&T had planned to launch its own service from an Indiana exchange. However, thanks to B.W. Gallagher, the Alabama Telephone Company beat them to it. The nation's first-ever 911 call was made on February 16, 1968.
Following this history-making call, it didn't take long before signs started popping up all over town informing people of the three digit number to dial in case of an emergency.
The original red telephone that was used to answer the nation's first-ever 911 call is currently on display at Haleyville City Hall. It's a definite must-see!
Today, the town of Haleyville celebrates this history-making moment with its annual 9-1-1 Festival, which happens to be a two-day event that hosts an antique tractor show, a parade, offers live music, has a variety of activities for kids, and so much more. Admission is free.