11 Legitimate Signs That You Grew Up In Alabama
By Jennifer Young
Published July 17, 2017
Alabama is such a great place to grow up! Whether you were raised in a big city, or in a small town, there’s no denying that growing up in the Yellowhammer State is a wonderful experience. From hometown swimming spots to college game days, here are 11 legitimate signs that you grew up in Alabama:
1. You get excited whenever snow is in the forecast.
This was especially true while you were in grade school because it meant a "snow day."
2. You reserve your Saturdays for college football.
You also schedule important events around this beloved sport.
3. Getting stuck behind some type of farm equipment doesn't faze you anymore.
After you've experienced this many times, it becomes normal.
4. You understand the importance of always having a can of this spray on hand.
You better believe it!
5. You refer to every soft drink as "coke."
Not "pop" or "soda," but simply "coke."
6. Sundays and Wednesday evenings are always reserved for church service.
Growing up along the Bible Belt, you always attended church service(s) whenever the doors were open.
7. You always looked forward to your hometown's annual festival.
If you're no longer residing in your hometown, you'll most likely return for a visit when this annual festival takes place.
8. You had that one special swimming spot where you gathered with friends.
And because it holds so many memories, you still visit it from time to time.
9. The word "y'all" is part of your everyday vocabulary.
It's all part of having a Southern accent, right?
10. You spend your summer vacations on Alabama's Gulf Coast.
Chances are, you also spent your summer vacations there as a child with your parents.
11. Deep down, you're extremely proud of where you come from.
Alabama will always be home sweet home!
What other legitimate signs would you add to this list?
For a list of ways living in Alabama ruins you for life, click here .
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