We South Carolinians love our beaches. There’s nothing like relaxing along the coast, wiggling your toes in the soft sand and listening to the sound of the ebbing tide. Did you know the Palmetto State is home to the biggest, longest and tallest sand dune in the The South? Yes, it’s true. Take a look below.
One of the many things we agree on as a people in South Carolina is: we love our coast.
This giant sand dune was deposited long, long ago when it's believed the ocean covered everything to the right of the sand colored area on the map above. The waters receded, but the sand remained.
Today, we've got several optimal places you can go to experience the ancient sand dune. You can even take off your shoes and wiggle your toes in this sand.
Here are three fantastic places to visit the Carolina Sandhills in South Carolina:
1. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge - McBee
The Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge in McBee includes some 47,000 acres set aside for wildlife and ecosystem preservation in the Sandhills.
Another perfect place to witness this giant sand dune known is in the Sandhills State Forest in Patrick, SC. The forest is home to several hiking trails where you can explore the dune on foot.
An annual event in this forest brings many spectators to the Carolina Sandhills during the annual Sandblast Rally.
The rally is a race for cars and motorcycles that winds mostly through the Sandhills State Forest and H. Cooper Black Recreation facility in Chesterfield Country. More info here.
Measuring as high as 500 feet in places, the Carolina Sandhills are the biggest, longest and most impressive sand dune in the whole state. Have you been to any of these three places yet? We’d love to know in our comments.