If you live in the Mile High City, you know that there are just some things that make your stomach turn, palms sweat, and face pucker more than anything else. From certain transplants to cheap beer, here are the 11 foolproof ways to make anyone from Denver cringe:
1.) Driving on I-70 during ski season...
Seriously, why is there only one major road that travels east and west through the state?! There is NOTHING worse than wasting precious slope time because you're stuck in your car!
2.) ...and driving on I-25 at ANY time.
Seriously, why is there only one major road that travels north and south through the state? Let's demand answers, people!
3.) Weed jokes
Yes, the Broncos and Seahawks got together in 2014 to have a Super "Bowl"... It wasn't funny in 2014 and it is even less funny in 2017, so drop those lame jokes like they are hot.
4.) Restaurants that don't serve brunch
There is nothing quite as terrible as walking into a restaurant at noon on a Saturday, ordering french toast and eggs benedict, and being told that breakfast ended at 10:30 and that they are now serving lunch... (Talk about feeling helpless, right?!)
5.) The cost to rent an apartment...
6.) ...or buy a home.
Only in Denver is it actually cheaper to pay your monthly mortgage than it is to pay your rent... I guess that's just the (huge) price we pay for living in such a rad city?
7.) Domestic beer
Aside from driving on I-70 during ski season and on I-25 at any time, there is nothing worse than a can of Budweiser, Miller Lite, or nasty Natty Light. (We aren't trying to be rude; we are just used to our locally crafted brews!)
8.) Californians...
9.) ...Texans...
10.) ...and (let's be honest) any out-of-state license plate.
Look, if you're coming here for vacation and are stimulating our economy, that's one thing (and we welcome you)... but if you move here and then do nothing but complain about how it's nothing like *insert your home state here*, get out.
11.) Finally, the Patriots, Chiefs, Seahawks, etc.
It isn't just the Raiders who we hate... it's basically any team that isn't our beloved Denver Broncos!
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