15 Things You Quickly Learn When You Move To South Carolina
By Robin Jarvis
Published March 31, 2017
Whether you’re a lifelong resident or you’re new to South Carolina, there are some things that hold true, regardless of how long you’ve been here. Just as sure as you’ll find yourself in the winter wearing shorts one day and your parka the next, these things are also unwavering if you want to make it in the Palmetto State. Here are 15 things you’ll quickly learn if you’re new here:
1. How to have a "staycation," because, why leave paradise?
2. How to find the hidden local eats.
3. Where to go for the best mountain views in the state.
4. Go ahead and try them all, but the sunrise is stunning from any of the 20+ beaches in the whole state.
5. If you've just moved South, your sleigh riding days are over.
6. Winter in the Palmetto State lasts about 14 days - and they're not consecutive days. And they probably won't have snow.
7. How to love grits. Okay, maybe not enough to roll in a vat of them, but you have to love grits if you want to fit in.
8. To love seafood, fixed every way imaginable.
9. You'll learn that combining the two (shrimp and grits) is a Southern art form.
10. How to sit patiently while stuck in traffic. (Also, that's a bald-faced lie. You won't learn how to do this one...)
11. To have a busy social life and not have many free weekends.
12. Where all the best rooftop dining spots are.
13. These outrageous little pests are everywhere - and they have wings!
14. Quirky ways of dealing with the extreme heat and humidity of the South Carolina summers.
15. That you've just moved to the BEST STATE in the country!
For more South Carolina humor, here are 13 Sure-Fire Ways To Make A South Carolinian Mad .
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