You'll Never Forget A Trip To These 10 Waterfront Spots In Kentucky
By Jenn Shockley|Published August 24, 2015
Jenn Shockley
I am somewhat a cliche'. I grew up running around barefoot on a farm in Kentucky.
I love writing, art, sunshine, all animals and my incredibly patient husband, who tolerates my "crazy animal lady" side.
A lake, river, ocean, or some body of water can often be a relaxing place to visit. Kentuckians are blessed with an abundance of waterways and lakes. Many have been manmade, but we have both the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers as borders. Spending time near one of our gorgeous lakes can just help us forget all our troubles, at least till we leave the water’s edge.
Here are 10 beautiful waterfront spots that you won’t want to forget:
Taking a walk around any of these beautiful bodies of water in Kentucky can be what memories are made of. It doesn’t take planning to go water gazing. The calming rhythm of the water, the sound, and the overall atmosphere can make for a charming afternoon alone, with loved ones, or friends. What are some of your favorite spots to go water gazing? Tell us in the comments below.
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