10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the State of Missouri
By Stephanie Butler
Published July 19, 2015
Even if you have heard some of these fun facts about Missouri, you most likely haven’t heard them all. If you have, good job! You love your state!
1. We have a state horse, being 1 of only 12 states who do.
The Missouri Fox Trotter is the name of Missouri's official horse. From the Ozarks, this midsized and muscular horse is popular on ranches.
2. Missouri has earthquakes.
Most of Missouri's earthquakes have been in the SE corner of the state, but the first recorded quake was also considered perhaps the worst in continental U.S. history. Part of Missouri is in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, and although most are not strong enough to feel, they may occur as often as daily.
3. We also have a state dinosaur.
Yep. The bones of the Hypsibema missouriense was found in 1942 near Glen Allen and is said to have had over 1,000 teeth and a duck-bill.
4. The first ice cream cone was served at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis and became Missouri's official desert in 2008.
5. It is illegal to feed beer to an elephant in Natchez.
6. You'd better not scare a baby if you are in Mole. It's against the law to do such a thing. It's also really mean.
7. Warsaw holds the record for BOTH the highest temperature in Missouri history (118 degrees)....AND the lowest (-18 degrees).
8. Missouri is known as "The Cave State" and has over 6,000 known caves.
9. Kansas City has more fountains than any city other than Rome, Italy.
10. We created machine sliced bread, which would be the greatest thing since... well, the first bread slicing machine was in Chillicothe.
There are many more things to learn about Missouri, but these are pretty cool. What are some that we may have excluded? Tell us in the comments below.
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