We have nothing but love for Nebraska, and there’s really no better place to live. But you’ve got to admit that the state comes with some interesting quirks. Every true Nebraskan has had these weird experiences at least once.
1. You've run into someone you've never met, but who knows your entire family.
This person will keep you there for half an hour talking about your family, and you'll never have any idea who they are.
2. You've passed someone on a country road who didn't do the two-finger wave.
That person is either not from around here or very, very mad at you.
3. You've been caught away from home unprepared for the six inches of snow that suddenly fall on your car.
So you end up using anything you can find to clear the snow from your car: branches, a piece of cardboard, your arm...
4. You've told someone you're from Nebraska and they've actually asked you if you have electricity and running water.
Or they've asked you if you ride a horse everywhere and whether you're scared of Native American attacks. (Sigh.)
5. Someone else has pulled up to a four-way stop way before you, but still waves you through and refuses to go until you do.
I can never tell if this is extreme politeness or some weird fear that someone is going to suddenly ram their car when they're going through the intersection.
6. You've seen girls pull out the tank tops and short shorts the minute the weather hits 60 degrees.
Put those hoodies back on, ladies. One warmish day does not mean summer is here.
7. You've driven over a pothole so big that you wondered how you didn't get a flat tire afterward.
Watch out, though - you've probably got a slow leak in that tire now.
8. You've had to use the heater and air conditioner in the same day.
Your poor HVAC system doesn't know what's going on.
9. You've put Christmas lights up in a t-shirt.
Because in Nebraska, sometimes December means clear skies and really mild weather. Which probably means that March will be one long blizzard.
10. You've taken a long car ride and didn't see a single stretch of road that wasn't under construction.
Oh, orange barrels, how we dread seeing you.
11. You've gotten ice cream from a summer-only outdoor stand when there's still snow on the ground.
Because we got a late spring snow storm that created 6-foot-high ice mountains that just refuse to melt.
12. You've gone out in shorts in the morning and come home frozen in the evening.
So now you just keep a parka and some sweatpants in your car, just in case.
13. You've seen your name and whatever you did last weekend printed in your small-town newspaper.
Because they have like eight pages to fill, so your visit from Aunt Carol and Uncle Bob is very newsworthy.
14. You've traveled to a new part of the state and wondered, "Can this possibly still be Nebraska?"
If you haven't traveled the state much, you're in for some amazing surprises when you get out there and start exploring.
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