Few People Know The Story Behind This Iconic Boston Fixture
By Kim Falchek|Published February 20, 2024
Kim Falchek
Kim Falchek has been exploring the towns, trails, and hidden gems of Massachusetts since her college days in Boston. When not writing, Kim enjoys photography, going on road trips, and spending time at the beach. Kim has previously been a contributing writer for LA Family Travel, Global Munchkins, and Latched Mama. She currently lives in Salem, Massachusetts where she and her family embrace all things Halloween!
The historic city of Boston is filled with hundreds of interesting landmarks, statues, and monuments. If you are a tourist, you may stop to read the written words on the markers or pause to take a close-up look at the statues. However, many of us locals pass by these fixtures time and time again without thinking twice about what they represent. Every marker is a link to the city’s past and each one has its own special story to tell. The steaming tea kettle in Boston’s Government Center is one landmark that I have always wondered about.