Enjoy A Long Walk At This Underrated State Forest In Washington
By Andrea Verschuyl|Published January 02, 2024
Andrea Verschuyl
Having grown up in Washington, Andrea is a self-admitted Pacific Northwest snob. In their opinion, there's simply nowhere else in the country with the Evergreen State's beauty. After attending university, Andrea devoted themselves to writing full-time. They're thrilled to represent Washington for Only In Your State while pursuing other professional and personal projects. They currently reside in Olympia, where they enjoy leaf-blowing their yard, perfecting homemade ramen, cuddling with their three tiny dogs, and feeding their pufferfish, Sea Biscuit.
I can’t tell you how often I’ve been chatting with another Washingtonian about their recent foray in the Pickets only to discover that they’ve never heard of Capitol State Forest. With so many jaw-dropping outdoor destinations, we Washingtonians can occasionally forget to investigate what’s hidden in our backyards. Comprising over 100,000 acres in Olympia, Capitol State Forest is perhaps one of Washington’s most underrated parks.
It’s time this remarkable Evergreen State spot got the appreciation it deserves.
There’s no doubt about it: Capitol State Forest is one of Washington’s most underrated parks. Not only is this Northwest gem permeated by history, but it also provides a much-needed refuge to Evergreen State wildlife. Through community cooperation, this spot has become a sanctuary of adventure and serenity. With all our stewardship, it can flourish for years to come.
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