A UFO Was Sighted In Maine Almost 50 Years Ago And It Changed Four Men's Lives Forever
By Andrea Verschuyl|Published November 01, 2023
Andrea Verschuyl
Having grown up in Washington, Andrea is a self-admitted Pacific Northwest snob. In their opinion, there's simply nowhere else in the country with the Evergreen State's beauty. After attending university, Andrea devoted themselves to writing full-time. They're thrilled to represent Washington for Only In Your State while pursuing other professional and personal projects. They currently reside in Olympia, where they enjoy leaf-blowing their yard, perfecting homemade ramen, cuddling with their three tiny dogs, and feeding their pufferfish, Sea Biscuit.
With all the stories of alien encounters, I find it hard to separate what’s real from what’s fabricated. Regardless, the Allagash Abductions remain one of the most unsettling cases of UFO abduction in Maine.