The Disney Animation Immersive Experience Coming To Ohio In 2023 Is The Closest You'll Get To Being In A Disney Movie
By Sarah McCosham|Published January 10, 2023
Sarah McCosham
I write like it's my job - because it is! I have a Master's in English and love words: crossword puzzles, Scrabble games, Wordle, and, of course, good, old-fashioned books.
I'm a writer and editor at OnlyInYourState, and a contributing writer at Cincinnati Magazine. I love the Great Outdoors and am endlessly awestruck by this beautiful country of ours. Coffee keeps me going, yoga keeps me sane, my kids keep me grounded, and my writing keeps me inspired.
There’s nothing like the world of Disney to bring out the kid in all of us, and if you thought the closest you’d ever come to being in a Disney movie was singing along on your kiddo’s “Frozen” soundtrack, you’re in for quite a surprise! There’s a Disney Animation Immersive Experience coming to Ohio in 2023, and it’s a bucket list must for the young and young at heart.