Does pineapple belong on pizza? It’s an old question that has the very real potential to cause a fiercely heated debate — take our advice and don’t try to bring it up at your next family get-together unless you really want to start a war. Here’s what to ask instead next time the opportunity arises: do grapes belong on pizza? Because the answer to that question, at Pies & Pints in West Virginia at least, is a wholehearted YES. Absolutely. Of course. Grapes definitely do belong on pizza!
The Grape & Gorgonzola Pizza at Pies & Pints, a restaurant chain that got its start in Fayetteville, West Virginia, has a cult following.
Here's how the cult cycle usually works. For starters, people are intrigued by the combination. Grapes on pizza? It's pretty unheard of outside Pies & Pints circles.
Fueled by curiosity, people then seek out an opportunity to try said pizza. They walk into their nearest Pies & Pints, take a seat, wave aside the menu, and say, "I actually already know what I'm having today, thanks. I'll try one of the grape pizzas."
From that point on, it's just a matter of time... the time it takes for a waiter or waitress to deliver a steaming hot, perfectly baked thin crust grape pizza to the table. The time it takes to plate the first slice and cool it enough for the inaugural bite.
That's it. There's no going back. One bite is all it takes to convert any seeker into a true cult follower: Grape Pizza or bust. Unconvinced? You can always get a pizza that's half grape, half something else if you're unsure you want to commit to an entire pizza topped with an unusual fruit.
Convinced and ready to track down your own inaugural bite of Grape & Gorgonzola Pizza? Pies & Pints restaurants are popping up across the country; in West Virginia, locations include the original Fayetteville flagship restaurant plus eateries in Charleston and Morgantown.