Embrace Your Inner Cowboy With A Vacation To This Outdoor Paradise in South Carolina
By AnneMarie|Published December 15, 2022
South Carolina has been home for AnneMarie since 2001. Her favorite part of the state is Lake Jocassee. An App State alumna, it's always the mountains; the lake bonus makes it heavenly. When not writing about the state, she may be spending time with family, relaxing by the pool, or out somewhere enjoying nature.
Is your inner cowboy longing for a vacation? What would that look like in our state and is it even possible? Well, we’re glad you asked! Keep reading for all the details on that vacation you can take to this outdoor paradise for your cowboy-cation in South Carolina.
Old 96 District is comprised of five counties in western South Carolina, including Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood, Laurens, and McCormick. And our first stop for this cowboy-cation adventure is at a store for some western wear.