Explore The Haunted State Capitol, Then Visit The Haunted Museum Event In Nashville, Tennessee
By Chris Dodge|Published October 21, 2022
Chris Dodge
My name is Chris Dodge and I live right here in the great state of Tennessee. My family and I are full adventurers filled with passion to see the amazing things our state has to offer. We are avid hikers and have explored many different places in Tennessee and beyond but we are always thankful to be living in such a glorious state.
While searching for spooky places in the volunteer state, you can walk some creepy cemeteries, explore some abandoned places, or hunt for ghosts in some pretty terrifying houses. We found an unusual one for you that pairs two nearby locations. When you are looking for haunted places in Nashville, Tennessee, we have you covered. Spend some time with ghosts at the State Capitol, then finish the day with a chilling story in the Tennessee State Museum.
The state capitol sits majestically in Nashville, but few people may know the dark side of this monumental structure.
Many stories and legends have been told about ghostly appearances inside the capitol. One common sighting is of a ghostly woman, finely dressed in a mid-1800s-style gown, wandering the halls. Another spooky find is near the grave site of James Knox Polk. A man has been seen kneeling, staring at the gravesite, but disappears when witnesses walk closer.
Two people buried in the capitol building were William Strickland and Samuel Morgan.
Strickland was the architect responsible for creating the structure, and Morgan was the chairman of the Capital Commission. They worked together but often fought over various ideas. It is said that their ghosts still occupy the building. Loud shouting can be heard as the two scream and fight with one another in the afterlife. Some say the yelling is so loud that it can be heard outside.
The creepiest story involves a Confederate ghost in the cupula.
During the Civil War, Union troops climbed the building to remove the Confederate flag, but they were surprised to find a Confederate soldier protecting it. He was shot and his lifeless form fell down the stairs. It is said that he never left, and is still angry about people coming into his space. Construction crew members have claimed to hear disembodied voices yelling "do not touch the furniture!" while at other times, the furniture moves back to its original location when no one else is around. Many have felt uneasy, and this ghost has made it known he does not want people there.
This free event brings in some of the best storytellers around to share chilling tales. Ghost stories and other spooky adventures will be shared at this family-friendly event.
Kids are invited to dress up in their costumes and participate in the games, snacks, art activities, and a costume parade. There will also be a live demonstration of their 18th-century printing press. The whole event is sure to be filled with plenty of fun for the whole family.
When you are looking for haunted places in Nashville, Tennessee, The State Capitol building is a great place to start. Then, bring the whole family to the Tennessee State Museum for the Haunted Museum event. Both places are free and an awesome way to get a little spooky adventuring done. Please visit the State Capitol visiting information website and the Tennessee State Museum for more information.