The Best Sight In The World Is Actually A Road Sign That Says Welcome To California
By Lysa Allman-Baldwin|Updated on April 05, 2024(Originally published August 01, 2022)
Lysa Allman-Baldwin
For over 25 years Lysa Allman-Baldwin has fed her wanderlust for “everything the world has to offer” by passionately writing travel and feature articles for numerous global print and online publications. A Digital Nomad, Lysa is also a professional speaker, workshop facilitator, and author.
Only four states in the country can be entered by motor vehicle from all sides except for the West Coast, and California is one of them. And at each border crossing, you’ll see an inviting “Welcome to California” sign. What lies ahead past each is a distinctive part of The Golden State that ultimately leads to some of the most interesting towns, cities, and beautiful landscapes in the country.
How do you feel when you see a “Welcome to California” sign? Where is your favorite California sign located? What are some of the first places you plan to visit after crossing over one of California’s state lines? Let us know! Wherever you go, we’d love to see your photos and hear about your experiences.
If you’re looking for fun California itinerary ideas, check out this awesome place called the Fern River Resort.
Do you love California? Grab some gear from Wear Your Roots and check out this OnlyInYourState video to learn how to talk like a Californian!:
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