One Of The Most Magical Places To Spot Migratory Songbirds In Illinois Is Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary
By Melissa Mahoney|Published March 07, 2022
Melissa Mahoney
I'm an east coast girl living in a west coast world. I grew up in New England before moving to SoCal for several years. I then lived in NYC or a year before moving to AZ in 2009. I worked in the entertainment industry for many years of my adult life and have a deep love for photography, writing, and traveling around the U.S. as well as to far-flung locations around the world. Travel is my life and writing about it is a dream!
Certain places around the Prairie State really come alive with the sounds of songbirds, even a city as big as Chicago. Located within Lincoln Park, Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary is a stopping point for food, shelter, and rest to migratory songbirds in Illinois during the spring, and again in the fall. If you love birdwatching and hearing the sounds of birds singing, grab your binoculars and head out to this magical bird sanctuary in Chicago.
Have you ever been birdwatching at Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary in Lincoln Park? Where do you enjoy spotting migratory songbirds in Illinois? Let us know in the comments. For more information about Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary, visit the Chicago Park District website.