When a hankering for Latin cuisine calls, you may want to head to the following restaurant in Maryland. This eatery in the Old Line State has a great atmosphere and some of the best authentic food in the area. From pupusas to empanadas, and even dessert, you can’t go wrong. Read on for the details below and try not to salivate!
You'll find the Cocineros at 3513 East-West Hwy in Hyattsville, Maryland.
Or how about some pupusas? You can get yours filled with pork, chicken, beans, lorocco, or veggies. Consider ordering a few of each flavor and hosting a delicious pupusa party!
This family-owned restaurant is worth checking out, and just may become your new favorite. Click on the website linked below to learn more, and prepare for a whole lot of flavor!
For more information about Cocineros, including the menu and online ordering, visit the website. You can also follow the official Facebook page by clicking here.