Here Are The 15 Smartest Cities In Mississippi To Live In
By Daniella DiRienzo|Published April 16, 2016
Daniella DiRienzo
Though Daniella was born in New York and has lived in a couple of other states, Mississippi has been her home for more than 30 years. After graduating from the University of Southern Mississippi, Daniella began to hone her writing skills through various internships. In the years since, she’s had the privilege of having her articles appear in several publications, such as the Mississippi-based Parents & Kids Magazine. She’s also had the honor of interviewing actress Sela Ward for The Mississippi Arts and Entertainment Experience.
One of the biggest misconceptions about Mississippi is that all of the residents are uneducated. In actuality, however, the state has a number of traits that prove otherwise, which is where the career website Zippia comes in. Recently, the website set out to find the smartest cities in the state, and in order to do so, stifled through census data for every Mississippi city with a population of 5,000 or more. All in all, 61 cities were analyzed; here are the top 15.