Make Your Summer A Little Sweeter With Some Gourmet Ice Cream From The Frosty Cow In Illinois
By Melissa Mahoney|Published June 21, 2021
Melissa Mahoney
I'm an east coast girl living in a west coast world. I grew up in New England before moving to SoCal for several years. I then lived in NYC or a year before moving to AZ in 2009. I worked in the entertainment industry for many years of my adult life and have a deep love for photography, writing, and traveling around the U.S. as well as to far-flung locations around the world. Travel is my life and writing about it is a dream!
When the weather gets a bit warmer and sunnier and we spend most of our days outside, we tend to seek out ways to cool off. Sure, a dip in a lake, pond, river, or pool is a great way to find relief, but another way is a bit better, a bit sweeter, and tastier: ice cream! With numerous seasonal ice cream shops opening their doors for the warmer months, one you should add to your list is The Frosty Cow in Greenview