Here Are 12 Signs You Have Spent Way Too Much Time In Michigan
By Serena Maria Daniels|Published March 23, 2016
Serena Maria Daniels
Serena Maria Daniels is an award-winning freelance journalist in Detroit, by way of Chicago, by way of the West Coast. She writes about Michigan for OIYS. Serena enjoys learning about language and culture and taking road trips with her beagle Ralph.
Inevitably, there are signs that you’ve been in Michigan too long. It’s in the topics of conversations you find yourself having all the time. It’s the things that annoy you that might not get to others around the country.
Whether you’re a lifelong Michigander or have only been here a few years, you know you’ve spent way too much time in the Mitten if you can relate to any of these.
1. You have a deep-seated hatred of all things Ohio State.