Everyone Is A Local When Dining At Momma's, A Rural Ohio Restaurant
By April Dray|Published March 26, 2021
April Dray
April is the Ohio staff writer for Only in Your State. She is an Ohio native with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism from E.W. Scripps School of Journalism. With more than 10 years of writing experience and a background in news reporting for Ohio newspapers, she's published pieces in multiple print and online publications. When she's not on deadline or chasing after her toddler, she's hunting for hidden gems in Ohio or getting lost in a good book.
The best restaurants are often hiding off the beaten path a bit. Momma’s in Hillsboro, Ohio is one of the tastiest and homiest rural restaurants in the Buckeye State. From the home-cooked menu to the friendly atmosphere, it won’t be long until you feel like a local when dining here. Here’s why this rural Ohio restaurant belongs on your dining bucket list.