Visit The Home Of Abraham Lincoln's Mother And More At This Underrated Park In Kentucky
By Andrea Limke|Published March 09, 2021
Andrea Limke
A Cincinnati native who has lived in Kentucky for over 10 years, Andrea's heart belongs both in the Queen City and the Bluegrass State. After earning an education degree and working in that field for a number of years, Andrea began to pursue her passion for writing over 6 years ago. Since then she has written for a number of print and online publications, as well as published a children's book.
There seem to be historical sites everywhere you turn in Kentucky. You can be walking down a road in Louisville and come across a historical marker or on a hike in the woods and pass the remnants of a home built generations ago. If you know anything about Kentucky history then hopefully you know that Abraham Lincoln was born in the Bluegrass State. There are many dedicated areas where you can learn about Lincoln’s early life in our state and one place is the Lincoln Homestead State Park. Located in Springfield, this is really an underrated park in Kentucky that not only has historic sites and learning opportunities, but also a beautiful 18-hole golf course, fishing, picnicking, and more.
If you’re looking for a new place to explore, check out this underrated park in Kentucky. The Lincoln Homestead State Park offers several learning experiences about our nation’s 16th president and his family, as well as opportunities to play and relax outside. Have you been to the Lincoln Homestead? Which destination in the Bluegrass do you think is an underrated park in Kentucky? Let us know in the comments!