The Largest Bioterrorist Attack In America Occurred At A Taco Time In Oregon In 1984
By Catherine Armstrong|Published March 12, 2020
Catherine Armstrong
Writer, editor and researcher with a passion for exploring new places. Catherine loves local bookstores, independent films, and spending time with her family, including Gus the golden retriever, who is a very good boy.
The CDC states that around 48 million people get sick from a foodborne illness every year in the United States, so you’ve likely experienced the unpleasant symptoms of exposure to salmonella, listeria, or campylobacter – the three most common microorganisms that cause gastric distress.
Exposure to these illnesses is rarely intentional. Most of the time, it’s caused by people who aren’t properly washing their hands, or are preparing food incorrectly – undercooking chicken or eggs, for instance. But in 1984, a cult group in Oregon committed the largest bioterrorist attack in the United States by intentionally infecting food at 10 different restaurants, including a Taco Time in The Dalles.