Here Are 13 Crazy Traditions You'll Totally Get If You're From Minnesota
Minnesotans have many long-standing traditions that for some reason the rest of the country just doesn’t quite understand. Minnesota is a truly unique, beautiful place, with an awesome culture, and we just wish other people would stop questioning it. These are some of our favorite traditions; enjoy, laugh, learn, and share to spread the word about our great state.

This makes way for another tradition though, snow days and hilarious forecasts that make the rest of the country watch in awe. This year, people from other states were marveling at the fact that on our coldest days, water outside was freezing before it hit the ground (thanks to all the newscasters who demonstrate this annually for everyone else to freak out about).

Most people think this is the craziest tradition we have.
In fact, last year, popular TV show Hart of Dixie (in season 4, episode 7) makes fun of the Nordic tradition by having two of their characters visit a restaurant called Lutefisk, where they of course, meet a hilarious waiter who tells them of the lutefisk, "It is fish cooked in lye and you will eat it and not complain." Sound like any of your grandparents?

It's a real gift, but unfortunately the rest of the world thinks it's a little silly, that is, except the few other states who appreciate butter as much as we do!

Just call us the burger champions of the world.

We're always looking to spend a weekend at our favorite lake - and no matter what direction it's in, it's "north." Because all of Minnesota is the north obviously, not the midwest. Go #teamnorth!

Is it so crazy to want to take in some sights via road? Some of our roads just happen to pass through the most beautiful parts of the state! They don't call them scenic byways for nothing!

It's a select group of Minnesotans keeping this tradition alive, but it's unique, and it's amazing. Because you're way less likely to spot a gray duck right away in a group of ducks than a goose, c'mon people, they look completely different. Play it right!

It's a longstanding tradition, and showcases the part of our state we are usually the most proud of, our beautiful nature, especially the water features! Other people definitely think we're crazy celebrating water this much; but this is the Land of 10,000 Lakes, so we won't apologize.

Deep fried ribs anyone?

If you don't gain 10 pounds and get a little nauseous, you aren't experiencing the fair properly.

It doesn't seem crazy to us, but even spellcheck doesn't know about this traditional dish, and it breaks our hearts.

I mean seriously, anyone who has been to a meat raffle, or several... hundred, knows that there is no better way to spend an evening, or day for that matter. There's nothing like kicking back and having a drink while still bringing home the bacon, literally.

Nothing is more Minnesotan than the long goodbye. It is a longstanding, slightly awkward Minnesota tradition, but we wouldn't have it any other way. It shows we like each other enough to not want to leave.
If you think it’s crazy that they think we’re crazy – share this article and show the world that these traditions not only make sense, but are what make Minnesota so amazing!
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