You'll Love Every Step You Take Along The Breezy, Waterfront Gray's Lake Trail In Iowa
By Kim Magaraci|Published September 18, 2019
Kim Magaraci
Kim Magaraci graduated Rutgers University with a degree in Geography and has spent the last seven years as a freelance travel writer. Contact:
No matter how much of a city person you may be, it’s always a good idea to plan some fresh air excursions into your weeks. When you need an idea for a quick, beautiful stroll but can’t get away from Des Moines for long, visit Gray’s Lake Park, where you’ll find a breezy, peaceful waterfront trail in Iowa. You’ll discover some of the best views of our capital city from this gorgeous, enormous park.
Des Moines is home to dozens of beautiful city parks, but one of the most underrated is perhaps the most scenic. Plan a trip to Gray's Lake Park to see it for yourself.
Walk along the shoreline and catch stunning views of the water. The lake is located close to downtown Des Moines, so you'll have a great view of the skyline!