The Old Fashioned Store In Illinois Chock Full Of Everything You Can Imagine
By E Jamar|Published March 14, 2019
E Jamar
E Jamar is a published writer based in Milwaukee, WI. Despite being a Midwesterner at heart, you can often find them trekking throughout the states and discovering new hidden gems. When they're not traveling, you can find them discussing disability issues, cuddling their pug puppy, and checking out new local spots.
The sweet town of Elsah is a blast from the past in itself, but this one old fashioned store is the epitome of nostalgia. This little town has fewer than a thousand people, and once you drive down Great River Road and view the historic village, you can stop in at this wholesome general store that has almost anything you can imagine. You’ll want to spend hours in this hidden gem, reminiscing about simpler times of going to the store for some penny candy or a wooden game. Don’t pass up a trip to this little store that’s filled to the brim with old fashioned items that will have you longing for the past.
Have you ever visited the historic town of Elsah? Did you visit Elsah General Store? What did you find? We’d love to hear all about your visit in the comments!