10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The Cuyahoga River
By Nikki Rhoades|Published July 18, 2018
Nikki Rhoades
Nikki is a lifelong Ohioan with a love for literature. She holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Akron and has enjoyed publishing her written work since 2007. She has a love of travel and does so frequently, though she believes that home is where the heart is — she continues to work in and around Cleveland as a digital content specialist to this day, working on everything from commercial scripts and social media posts to grassroots marketing initiatives.
Like much of Greater Cleveland, the Cuyahoga River has earned a rather negative reputation. Its infamous river fire of 1969 led to much-needed environmental legislation and change, and yet that image of a burning river seems to have permanently singed itself into the minds of Ohioans and even out-of-staters. The truth is that the river has quite a varied history, but every moment in it is truly fascinating.
Though the Cuyahoga River has earned a rough reputation, it has quite the story to tell – and one that is far less negative than most people realize. Which factoid surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments below.