12 Amazing Things People In Vermont Just Can't Live Without
People everywhere have things about their state that they love, and in Vermont we are lucky enough to have some pretty unique things to love. Whether they are man-made or natural, Vermonters know a good thing when we see it and we take little for granted. Here are 12 amazing things that people in Vermont just can’t live without.

Before there were telephones and cars, there was Johnson Woolen Mills. In 1842, Johnson Woolen Mills began producing fabric from the wool of local sheep, and as a need for strong, warm and comfortable clothing grew, the mill began producing woolen shirts, jackets and pants to accommodate the local community. Word quickly spread throughout Vermont and by the early 1900s the high quality workmanship, warmth and comfort of Johnson Woolen Mill products gave hunters, loggers, fisherman and other outdoorsman a much needed advantage in Vermont's sub-zero temperatures. Over the next 100 years woolen products from their factory could be found in nearly every household in Vermont. Now with nearly 2 centuries of tradition and four generations of Vermont ownership, Johnson Woolen Mills is still the best.

Al's French Frys opened in the late 1940s in its current and original location in South Burlington as nothing more than a small building with an open front counter and no inside seating. The farmland surrounding the original Al’s is urban now, and the building has had several additions—but the frys are still the same, and it's no exaggeration to say that they are known nationwide.

We love to look at it and we love to play in it. It is simply a part of what we love about Vermont.

Let’s face it, maple syrup simply isn’t as good anywhere else in the world. That may be a bold statement, but I think most Vermonters will agree.

We love the changing seasons and can’t imagine a steady climate 365 days a year. Where is the fun in that? We welcome all 5 seasons - Summer, Fall, Winter, Mud and Spring. Ok, maybe not mud season, but it’s a small price to pay.

Both weather and active lifestyles can be hard on your feet, and Darn Tough produces the finest all weather performance socks on the market.
Customers ski, snowboard, hike, run, bike, and work in their Darn Toughs, putting their Unconditional Lifetime Guarantee to the test everyday, simply and without strings or conditions: If their socks are not the most comfortable, durable and best fitting socks you have ever owned, return them for another pair, or your money back – no questions asked.

From spectacular foliage, to the blankets of green covering the mountains, to the maple syrup we can’t live without, Vermonters love and need their trees.

Simply space. No billboards and minimal strip malls can be found here and we love out open spaces and fresh air.

There is an old saying that Vermont would be bigger than Texas if you flattened us out. While this may not be technically true, we do love our drives, hikes, views and mountain sports and we can’t imagine a life so…. Flat.

Both a popular University as well as a renowned teaching hospital, Vermont wouldn’t be the same without it.

They not only make pastures and views more quaint, they provide us with some of the most amazing cheese and other dairy products, not to mention jobs.

Cider donuts are simply amazing and always a treat. Like many of the special things about Vermont, we wouldn’t want to live without them. Luckily we don’t have to!
What are some things you couldn’t live without in Vermont? Let us know!
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