11 Privileges Tennesseans Have That The Rest Of The U.S. Doesn't
By Meghan Kraft|Published May 27, 2018
Meghan Kraft
Meghan Kraft loves to travel the world, but she makes her home right here in Nashville, Tennessee. She holds a degree in English, and has worked in the digital marketing realm with companies such as Apartments.com, USA Today and HarperCollins Publishing.
Tennesseans really don’t know how lucky they have it sometimes, folks. They tend to just get used to the rolling hills and greenery-infused meadows of the countryside, take the craggy mountainous vistas to the east and cotton studded fields to the west completely for granted. It’s home, and isn’t home the most comfortable place of all? Living amidst such beauty with a glass of sweet tea in hand is a privilege, you know – and here are 11 in total that just might make you smile.