11 Brutally Honest Statements About Pittsburgh That Couldn't Be More True
We, Pittsburghers, can disagree and debate about plenty of things. Politics. The best Pittsburgh athletes of all time. The cost of living in the Burgh. But, there are some things that the majority of us can probably agree on. Like, for example, we love the city in which we live. Here are 11 other brutally honest statements about Pittsburgh that couldn’t be more true. See if you agree.

No one can successfully argue that there's a town more deserving, than Pittsburgh, of the title of The City of Champions. Sure. the Steelers, Pens, and Buccos are a big part of what makes Pittsburgh a championship city. But, all of it's other amazing attributes - affordability, medical technology, and friendliness, to name just a few - also make our hometown one of champions.

Move over New York City, Paris, and all of you other towns known for your scrumptious foods. Pittsburgh's made its mark as a foodie town. We can find just about anything we want in the Burgh's restaurants and food trucks. Home cooked meals. Fine dining. Meals we can grab and take with us. If you want it, you can pretty much find it here.

Pittsburghers love the Pens and the Pirates. But, at heart, Pittsburgh really is a football town. Just head to any public spot without a TV, of course, on Steelers' Sunday and it's empty. Everyone's watching the Steelers.

Pittsburgh's all about tradition. From presenting a cookie table at weddings to waving the Terrible Towel, we, Pittsburghers, appreciate our history.

Sure, traffic stinks in most cities. But, we are talking brutally honest statements about Pittsburgh, so it does warrant a mention.

Most people call it summer. Not us in the Burgh. Summer has been transformed into the construction season. Fortunately, we don't have to rely on old-fashioned paper maps to help us navigate the closed streets anymore. We have GPS.

Absolutely no one can dispute the fact that the Squirrel Hill Tunnel causes a great deal of stress for drivers - from those cringing at having to slow down to a crawl to those dreading the drive through the tunnel.

Frizzy hair. It's just a side effect of living in the Burgh. We all deal with it.

Insult the Burgh? Just don't do it. Unless, of course, you want to face the wrath of the normally friendly Pittsburgher.

Wouldn't you agree that Pittsburghers are just naturally helpful? If someone needs help, the community will rally around the person.

Sure, you can point to a plethora of different attributes - affordability, friendliness, eco-friendliness, and on and on - as to why Pittsburgh is one of the best places in America to live. But, let's be honest. The people are really what makes our city so amazing.
Your turn! What other brutally honest statements about Pittsburgh would you add to this list? Share in the comments below. Then, read about the 10 things Pittsburghers often take for granted but shouldn’t.
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