8 Things A True Oregonian Can Honestly Say They've Never Done
By Mikayla
Published March 14, 2018
Here in Oregon, we have our own unique way of doing things. From the way we dress for trips to the coast, to our habits at the gas pump, life in the Beaver State is one-of-a-kind. To celebrate our quirks, here are 8 things no true Oregonian can honestly say they’ve never done.
1. Forgot to pack a sweater for a trip to the Oregon Coast.
Even if it's summer. The Oregon Coast weather is famously unpredictable.
2. Pump their own gas.
This may start changing soon with the
new law , but most Oregonians have never pumped their own gas, at least not while in the Beaver State.
3. Been happy to hear more people are moving to Oregon.
Can you blame us? Our state has been a top relocation spot in recent years and things are getting a bit crowded around here.
4. Heard someone pronounce "Oregon" wrong without cringing.
True Oregonians die a little bit inside when we hear someone say "Ore-gone."
5. Miss out on a chance to explore the great outdoors.
True Oregonians rarely say no to a hike! And, with so many beautiful hiking trails around, we have plenty of options to choose from.
6. Faced down a tornado. Or hurricane.
The Beaver State is relatively tame when it comes to natural disasters. Apart from earthquakes, we don't have much to worry about here.
7. Have to worry about finding fresh seafood.
One of the best parts about living in Oregon? The seafood is amazing, and it can be found all over the state.
8. Thought any place was better than home.
We Oregonians will never forget this. Home is where the heart is.
What are some other things that a true Oregonian would never be caught dead doing? Tell us what we missed in the comments below?
Then, check out our previous article: 10 Legitimately Fun Things You Can Do In Oregon Without Spending A Dime .
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