These Photos Of An Abandoned New York Theme Park Will Have You Longing For The Past
By Lea Monroe|Published February 05, 2018
Lea Monroe
Writer for Only In Your State. Scribbling about all things New York and Buffalo related while also keeping you updated on the latest travel news! Inquiries:
New York has seen plenty of attractions come and go, but some of these places will forever hold a sweet spot in our hearts. Recently an old stomping ground of the Adirondacks has been the talk of the town, with many people pushing to have the remains of North Hudson’s Frontier Town completely demolished. The once popular Wild West theme park said its final goodbye back in 1998, left to wither away and become one with nature up in Essex County. Before this place is gone for good and simply just a memory, let’s reminisce over the past one last time.
Not too far off of the Northway up in Essex County, the town of North Hudson was once home to a unique theme park called Frontier Town.
Left to dissolve in the Adirondack forest, the current condition of many of Frontier Town's old buildings has caused locals to petition for the demolition of these tired structures.
Younger residents who drive by the remains of Frontier Town today often turn heads at the welcome sign that barely reads "RODEO", never having the chance to experience this Adirondack gem for themselves.
If you never had the chance to visit Frontier Town, what you would've once saw were buildings like the Trading Post, Frontier Kitchen, School House and others Wild West Buildings that were all set within the Adirondack Mountains.
The theme park was also known for putting on over-the-top performances, staging robberies and shoot outs right on Frontier Town's Main Street for all the visitors to see.
If you haven't kept up on the history of Frontier Town over the last 20 years, let us catch you up quick. After the park closed its doors in 1998, eventually the county became in position of the majority of Frontier Town... but not all of it! The pieces of the park that Essex County is in control of though, is in talks of being demolished due to safety hazards. In the past local businessmen have attempted to buy back Frontier Town, unsuccessful and leaving the county still in control of things.
So if you had it your way in a perfect world, would you see Frontier Town demolished? Or would you hope for a local buyer to swoop in and revamp this old Wild West Theme Park one last time?