When people find out you’re from Virginia, you might get a range of reactions. Some people who have been here before might remember some of the beautiful places and people they encountered. Others might jump straight to some of the stereotypes about “the South.” And others? They’re just curious. Here are some of the questions you’re likely to be asked, and many of them highlight some truly unique and — some might consider — weird things about Virginia. Now, I know not everyone has been asked each of these. But, personally, I have!

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What have we left off the list when it comes to weird things about Virginia? Tell us your favorite out-of-state questions about Virginia in the comment below!

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More to Explore

Weird Things About Virginia

What is Virginia known for?

As you might have guessed from reading our article highlighting the wonderful and weird things about Virginia, the Old Dominion is known for quite a lot. One of the main things Virginia is known for is being the home to a significant number of American Presidents. The eight presidents that were born in Virginia are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, and Woodrow Wilson. Many of them have historic homes that you can tour in Virginia, most famously George Washington's Mount Vernon and Thomas Jefferson's Monticello in Charlottesville. Virginia is also known for being the site of the first permanent English settlement of Jamestown. Those who are curious to learn more about this event can learn about the colonists as well as the Indigenous People who lived in Virginia for thousands of years before settlers arrived by visiting Historic Jamestown.

Is Virginia a great place to live?

If you're someone who appreciates the great outdoors, you will love living in Virginia. Virginia is considered a great place to live by all kinds of outdoor enthusiasts. To start with, Virginia is home to one of the most popular national parks in the U.S., Shenandoah National Park. Encompassing one of the most beautiful portions of the Blue Ridge Mountains, this park attracts visitors from all over the world. Other noteworthy outdoor attractions in Virginia include False Cape State Park, Mount Rogers National Recreation Area and Grayson Highlands, the James River, the Shenandoah River, New River Trail, the Chesapeake Bay, and much more. Lastly, Virginia is a great place to live if you're someone who loves food. From tacos to barbecue, pizza, seafood, and a variety of incredible ethnic cuisine, there's no shortage of delicious restaurants to try in Virginia.

What are some strange facts about Virginia?

Have you ever wondered if there were any strange facts about Virginia? Well, you're in luck! There definitely are some quirky and surprising facts about the Old Dominion. For example, did you know that the states of West Virginia and Kentucky were originally part of Virginia territory? And that the very first Thanksgiving was held in Virginia? Most people also don't realize that approximately half of all of the Civil War battles were fought on Virginia soil. And finally, there's an island in Virginia known as Chincoteague Island where wild ponies have roamed for hundreds of years. How fascinating!