It’s uncomfortable and strange, but if you’re a true Illinoisan, there are some bizarre experiences you’ve likely faced a time or two in your life. From awkward encounters to difficult decisions, we’re united in that we’ve all gone through these weird things.
You’re not the only one who has had some odd experiences in this state. Read on for more details.
1. Driving through a blizzard.
There's always that moment when you think, "I should have stayed home." Whether you're on your way to work or just going shopping, it's strange to be out when conditions are so dangerous that you have to drive at a fraction of the speed limit.
2. Dressing for winter in May.
If you've lived in Illinois long enough, you know that one of the most bizarre experiences we face is snow in the spring. Just when you're ready to break out the shorts and dresses, a cold spell comes through and dumps another couple feet, killing the flowers you thought you were safe to plant.
3. Using the heat and A/C in the same day.
Some days, you wake up freezing and end the day sweating your pants off. Especially during spring and fall, the temperature can go from 65 degrees to 40 degrees in a matter of hours.
4. Hitting potholes and wondering how your tire didn't pop.
Due to winter weather, potholes come big and deep in Illinois. Typically, they are avoidable, but if you're not paying attention, you might feel a big bump and hear a loud "thump" as you pass over one of these suckers. You'll be amazed your car made it out alive.
5. Driving past miles of orange barrels.
Road construction in Illinois is inevitable, but it's weird when a whole lane is blocked off by orange barrels and no one is even working on the road. You just have to slowly creep with traffic until the lane opens up again.
6. Getting stuck behind a tractor.
Though they typically off-road it, tractors sometimes have to take to the asphalt to get from field to field. When you come upon one of these slow-moving behemoths, it can be difficult to tell if you're safe to pass. In the first place they are hard to see around, and secondly, they often ride on hilly or curvy back roads where it is hard to see if another vehicle is approaching.
7. Meeting someone out of state who is from Illinois.
This can bring on several bizarre experiences. First of all, if the person is from Chicago, they likely won't recognize your town's name (unless their friend went to college there), and secondly, you feel pressure to have Illinois-specific things to talk about, yet you revert to standbys like weather and crops.
8. Passing abnormally large replicas of household objects on the side of the road.
Most notable throughout the town of Casey, our state is filled with roadside attractions that are merely giant versions of mundane objects. In addition to this rocking chair, there's also a ketchup bottle, a mail box, a golf tee, and much more. Some bizarre experiences in Illinois are kind of fun.
9. Getting lost in a Jewel Osco in another town.
Be it Jewel, Walmart, or any other chain retail store, we've all gotten confused when confronting a foreign supermarket. You just get used to where things are, and then you go to a new store and have to walk up and down all the aisles to find what you're looking for.
10. Unnecessary endless traffic jams.
We've all been there. It's not rush hour, yet traffic on the highway is backed up so much, you know there must be an accident ahead. No lanes are closed, yet traffic is crawling at 10 miles per hour. Five miles later, you escape the domino effect and gain speed, but there's no sign of anything that caused it.
11. Going to school when everyone else in the county takes a snow day.
You know the feeling. There's literally tons of snow at your house, yet neither the radio nor the TV broadcasts a closing for your district. You go out thinking it must be OK, but then the roads are barely clear.
12. Going outside without enough layers.
Every Illinoisan learns this lesson the hard way, yet still we all make poor judgments. We've all walked out of the house and immediately walked back in to grab a jacket because the air was about to freeze our skin off.
13. ...And walking outside in too many layers.
Many bizarre experiences are caused by those awkward times of year. Everyone knows what it's like to walk outside expecting chilly air and instead be greeted by a warm spring breeze. It's the best.
What other bizarre experiences have you had in Illinois? Share your thoughts with us!
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