13 Weird Side Effects Everyone Experiences From Growing Up In Baltimore
By Jamie Alvarenga
Published January 03, 2018
If you grew up in Charm City or have lived here for a while, then there’s some side effects you’ve likely picked up. Take a look at this relatable list and see how many of these 13 things you do!
1. Having the urge to sprinkle Old Bay on everything...
Fries, eggs, corn, etc.
2. And including crab meat in nearly every dish
Have you tried a crabby omelet? Delicious.
3. Having a strange attraction to Mr. Boh...
Growing up, I didn't even know he was a mascot for beer. I just knew he was a fancy dude.
4. And longing to hug the Orioles mascot
He looks so soft and squishy.
5. Wearing purple on Fridays
Even during the off-season, Baltimoreans display their purple pride.
6. Yelling "O!" during the National Anthem
This iconic song feels incomplete without it.
7. Having trouble hiding your Bawlmer accent
"Warsh your hands in the zinc, hon!"
8. The ability to pick a steamed crab in a few minutes time
No ordinary man can do this. This is a job for a Baltimorean.
9. Not even flinching at this sky-high hairstyle
The hon is a way of life.
10. The ability to drink several of these in one sitting
It just tastes like home.
11. Putting marshmallow on a sno-ball
Try this anywhere else and you'll likely get some weird looks
12. Being very judgmental when it comes to crab cakes
I'm no food critic but I know a good crab cake when I see (and taste) one!
13. Loving the city despite its imperfections.
No city is perfect and Baltimore will always be home sweet home.
What are some other weird side effects of growing up in Baltimore? Feel free to share below!
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